Top 5 Stock Market books short summary

 1) One Up On Wall Street

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 Book title: One Up On Wall Street

 Author: Greg Smith

 Publisher: Wiley

 Published date: June 5, 2017


 Wall Street bankers. Wall Street traders. Hedge fund managers. These are the people who make money by taking risks and making bets and now they're taught at business schools around the world. And while some may use their skills to take initial public offerings (IPOs), drive profits, and increase value nationwide, many others find themselves riding the market bubbles of real estate — using just enough capital to keep them afloat. In fact, since 2007, these “flippers” have spent $200 billion buying up foreclosed homes. However, not everyone makes a fortune. Many founders get stuck when their companies run out of funding and need to raise equity. So how did Wall Street become the center of the American economy and what does that mean for anyone looking to start a company?

 In One Up On Wall Street, author Greg Smith takes readers behind the scenes of the global financial markets. He shows where wealthy investors meet to buy stocks, bonds, and commodities; explains how credit ratings work and how subprime loans became a massive problem; takes readers inside hedge funds and private investment firms; explores how derivatives work and how the 2008 financial crisis happened and offers advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. Smith combines first-hand reporting with hard research to tell the inside story of today's Wall Street.

 Smith draws on interviews with top executives and government officials, as well as everyday individuals affected by the financial system. His analysis includes how the U.S.'s housing bubble changed the way we live and his examination of how the 2008 crisis led to the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, which was intended to prevent another financial meltdown.

 2) The Warren Buffet Way

Warren Buffett is a billionaire American investor who has been referred to as the “Wizard of Omaha”. He is known to be especially successful at finding undervalued companies. He employs many different tools to help him make his decisions, including reading analyst reports, talking to management, looking at financial statements, and doing his own research. He has said he likes buying stocks based on their intrinsic value but would rather buy assets than sell them. His philosophy is simple: Buy a business valued over its net cash flow. That way, if the economy turns bad and the company cannot generate enough money to pay back shareholders, investors still get paid off.

 This book summarizes the ways Warren Buffet invests his wealth. He provides several case studies of how he thinks about investing and offers some useful tips for people who want to become rich themselves.

3) How to Make Money in Stocks

Stock market trading is becoming increasingly popular in recent times due to its ease of access and the high level of profits that investors receive. Many people have become rich by investing in the stock market. There are many different strategies that traders use. One method is called swing trading. Swing trading is where traders enter into positions when they believe that prices will go up, and then exit once they think that the price will fall again. To make some extra money, traders will often try and predict when the prices will go down and sell their stocks at these low points. The aim of the trader is to make enough profit during the day to cover any losses that were incurred overnight by selling their stocks at low points. To do this, traders need to look at charts and graphs to find out the best time to buy and sell shares. However, they should not buy shares if there is no news regarding the company concerned.

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4) Irrational Exuberance

In the last 10 years, many different theories have been developed about how we should invest our money, ranging from the theory that stocks don’t go down at all to the theory that any decline at all is proof that you should sell immediately. There are two schools of thought when it comes to investing in the stock market: Buy and Hold (BH) and Buy and Sell (BS). The first school says that if you buy stocks, then just hold them until they start to rise again. The second school says that if you want to make money off the stock market, then you need to know how to time buy and sell. Both schools agree that timing is everything. But where the disagreement begins is when people talk about what they call “irrational exuberance” — the belief that now is a good time to jump in and buy stocks. Irrational exuberance is the idea that stocks fall less frequently than they rise, so you can get rich quick if you buy low and sell high. That’s not true. Stocks always rise and fall — sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, and occasionally the slow rises lead to crashes like the ones in 1929 and 2008. So even though irrational exuberance may give you a false sense of security, it really won’t work out well for you. In fact, you might lose plenty of money in the long run.

5) Fundamental Analysis for Investors

Short Summary: Fundamentals Analysis for Investors provides investors with fundamental analysis tools and techniques that they can use to help them make decisions about stocks while providing insight into how to buy shares in companies whose fundamentals look strong and sell shares in companies whose fundamentals appear weak.


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