What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is a technique that involves attracting customers from outside your business and nurturing them along their buying journey. These visitors often become prospective buyers of your company’s products or services. Inbound marketing techniques used include blogging, social media posting, content creation, search engine optimization, video marketing, etc. All of these have to do with making information about your product or service accessible via the internet.

 The goal of Inbound Marketing is to attract traffic from sites that don't even link back to your site. You want to create great content that draws people to your website. Once they're there, you want to appeal to them with compelling offers that make purchasing your product or signing up for your newsletter simple.

 There's much more to Inbound Marketing than what I've explained here, but this should give you some ideas on getting started.

Inbound marketing is a type of digital marketing strategy that focuses on attracting visitors to a company’s website or app via content promotion rather than paid advertising. Inbound marketing uses two primary channels – social media and search engine optimization (SEO).

Social Media Marketing

 Social media marketing is a great way to connect with customers while building trust and credibility. You can target specific audiences and develop meaningful relationships with people who share similar interests and values. Through social media, you can build awareness about your business, attract potential clients, and promote engagement among your current followers.

How do I create a Facebook page?

 You can start with a free Facebook account, but if you want a professional-looking page, you may need to pay a fee. Once you have created your account, select “Facebook Page.” Choose a name for your Facebook page and enter any information you wish to use in the space provided. After entering basic details about your page, you will be prompted to submit your application.

 Once you’ve successfully registered your Facebook page, you’ll receive a notification email confirming the registration. You should then go back to your profile settings and verify that you own the page you registered. How to set up a Google+ page

 If you already have a personal Google+ account, you can open a business page. You can choose to make your Google+ business pages public or private. Make sure you give your page a unique URL and keep it updated.


 To create a LinkedIn page, go to and click “Create a Company Page.” Your page should appear automatically after you complete the steps to signup.

Google AdWords

 Google AdWords provides businesses with access to a broad audience of targeted users. When you run ads online, they are displayed on the results page of a search engine. Since these ads are usually displayed on top of organic search results, they tend to get more clicks than regular ads. However, since the average person does not spend much time reading ad text, you must write enticing headlines and descriptions to catch their attention.

AdWords Keyword Planner

 The keyword planner tool is the best place to begin when planning your campaign. Enter the keywords your ideal customer would use to find your service or solution. Use relevant variations of your keywords throughout your ad copy; for example, use both ‘customer’ and ‘customer acquisition’ instead of just ‘customer acquisition.’

How To Earn Money By Inbound Marketing?

 Inbound Marketing (also called attraction marketing) is a strategy where you attract potential customers rather than market to them. A great example of Inbound Marketing would be if you were at a party, and met someone interested in your product or service, and you did not have to sell or pitch them directly. You could instead ask questions and figure out ways to add value before they even knew what products or services you had to offer. This is often referred to as establishing rapport first and then introducing yourself after you’ve built trust.

 Inbound Marketing has 6 components, but many people do not know how to use them effectively. Here's how to make sure you're doing them correctly

1. Research

 Research your prospect’s pain points first. If you don't understand their challenges, you won't be able to help them solve those problems.

2. Build Trust

 Trust is earned over time. Nobody wants to buy from someone they don't trust. Instead, they'll seek recommendations from friends or family.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

 As we know, search engine optimization is the process of increasing the number of visitors to your site. SEO is free and is becoming increasingly important to online businesses. If you want to increase your website traffic, SEO is a good way to do it. Many people don't realize how much they get from their own search engine until they try to find something else. A website without search engine optimization would likely end up in the obituary section of a newspaper.

4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

 Social media marketing uses social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to generate awareness about your business, promote your products, and sell them. This video explains the different types of SMM and how you can use them to improve your business's visibility.

5. Content Marketing

 Content marketing includes any type of content shared between marketers and potential customers/clients. Any type of content shared can be considered content marketing including videos, blogs, images, ebooks, white papers, infographics, etc.

6. Email MarketingListening to emails

Is one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with your customers. There are many companies out there that make email newsletters to their clients. You could send these emails to your customers if they purchase a product from you or even periodically. These newsletters let your customers know what's going on with your company, what's new, special promotions, events, etc.

 7. Lead Generation

 Lead generation is another name for prospecting. This is done via various means, including the Internet, cold calling, referrals, etc. Companies pay people money to call potential consumers and ask them questions to determine whether they're a good fit for their company.

8. Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

 Pay-per-click advertising is the practice of paying someone money each time a visitor clicks on a link to your website. Each time money is paid, the amount of money drops down to the bottom. While this may not sound like a lot, over time this adds up to big profits. As you can see, Inbound marketing strategies are a great way to market your business and reach people.


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