Outbound Marketing - Inbound Marketing

 The term outbound marketing refers to a company's efforts to attract prospects online who might want to buy their product or service.

 Inbound Marketing- An organization's efforts to generate relevant traffic to its website or other digital assets using content strategy, SEO, social media, PPC (Pay per click) advertising, email campaigns, etc.

 Traditional Marketing- Traditional forms of marketing are those that rely on promoting brand awareness by making direct contact with customers. Examples of traditional marketing would be TV advertisements, print ads, radio spots, and billboards. These methods give businesses little control over where the message is received or how much influence they have on the decision-making process. Outbound marketing provides companies with greater control and visibility over their customer experience.

Why Outbound Marketing?

 • Low cost- 

Most business models today operate under the assumption that the best way to reach potential consumers is to make a direct offer to them. Offers vary from free samples and discounts to higher-priced purchases; however, high costs of direct communication often keep businesses from reaching out directly to customers. When it comes time to drive sales, many marketers assume that they need to spend big money to get people's attention.

 • More targeted-

Direct offers provide businesses with the opportunity to target specific groups of consumers, rather than going after everyone at once. This type of communication allows companies to identify specific audiences that they believe may benefit from their products or services.

 • Faster engagement- 

While some studies have shown that emails lead to lower rates of open-and-click rates than SMS messages do, emails still tend to have a faster response rate than any other form of advertising. That being said, businesses should not underestimate the power of SMS messaging. Not only does SMS give users the option to respond immediately, but it also gives mobile operators and brands the chance to track responses down to the exact user location.

 • Lower risk- 

Sending promotional messages via different channels makes it easier to measure the effectiveness of each channel individually. By doing so, businesses can learn more about what works and what doesn't work before investing significant amounts of time and money into particular channels.

 • Easier tracking- 

Tracking the success of individual communications helps companies understand which messages performed well and which didn't. If a promotion was successful, brands can then use this information to improve future communications.

What Is Outbound Marketing?

 Inbound marketing is when people find you online and voluntarily share information about themselves. While inbound marketing is great for building credibility and brand awareness, it doesn't target potential prospects at all. That's where outbound comes in.

 Why Should You Start An Outbound Campaign?

 Here are three reasons to start an outbound campaign:

 a) You Want To Make Contact With New Prospects - If you want to make contact with new people, you should definitely start an outbound campaign. Simply speaking with them could result in a sale.

 b) You Want To Generate Leads - All businesses want leads, but generating leads is different than converting them into customers. c) You Want To Increase Sales And Close More Business Deals - If you want to increase sales and close more business deals, you should definitely start doing more outbound marketing.

 How to use Outbound Marketing?

Content Creation

Content creation requires a lot of skills such as writing, graphic design, video production, and photography. But don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds! There are many ways to create great content without having to hire someone full-time. Websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer are perfect places to find freelancers who specialize in specific fields. Other websites, such as YouTube, allow users to upload videos and sell access to their audience. Video sharing sites like Vimeo and Dailymotion also provide businesses with the opportunity for short-form content creation. Another great way to create content is to partner with a freelance writer. Writing a blog post about a subject matter that you're passionate about and then offering the rights to share it across various platforms is a great way to build trust and credibility among potential clients.


Search engine optimization is a major part of outbound marketing. SEO involves working closely with search engines to increase page rank and exposure of websites. Optimizing web pages for SEO involves ensuring that keywords appear throughout the page text as well as title tags. Another effective way to optimize pages involves adding meta descriptions and titles. To ensure proper tagging is done properly, it is recommended that businesses use a tool called Screaming Frog.

 Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing uses internet-based technologies to build relationships between businesses and their customers. The goal of these interactions is to gain new or existing customers. Through social media, businesses can connect with their current customers, promote their products and services, and even answer questions. All posts are public, meaning they are viewable to anyone who visits the site. This means that once a business decides to engage with customers through social media, there's no turning back.

How to Earn Money By Outbound Marketing?

 Outbound marketing means you’re reaching out to people instead of having them reach you (think telemarketing). You'll need a list of names to cold call, and there's no shortage of those. There are many ways to create a list you can use repeatedly. Here are 3 ways to build a list:

1) Get a List From People To Do Your Work For You –

If you have the skills to do something then you can get clients who want to pay for what you produce. Just make sure you have a strategy in place to convert them into paying customers. In my case, I sell online courses and charge a lot of money. So I use a service called ClickFunnels where I put together funnels for my clients. It takes the pain out of selling and gets me paid over time.

 2) Build A List Using Paid Traffic Sources - 

We've talked about how Google Adwords and Facebook ads can help drive traffic to your site. Once you're getting traffic though, you still need a way to turn these visitors into paying customers. This is where lead magnet opt-ins come in. Lead magnets are valuable assets that show off your expertise, personality, and value while simultaneously encouraging someone to give you their name and email address. A well-designed and the promoted lead magnet will not only generate interest and subscribers, but they'll actually end up buying whatever it is you're promoting before you've even asked them!

 3) Grow Your Own List From Customers Who Bought Before -

Did you know that you can purchase a list of buyers who bought a specific product? These are often referred to as 'warm market' lists. Essentially, if you buy a product once yourself, you can simply go back to these companies and ask them who else bought that same thing. Many times these vendors won't mind being reacquainted because they realize that they may have lost touch with some of their clientele. Best of all, you don't have to spend any money to do this. Use tools like MailChimp to set up your re-targeting list.


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