What is Social media marketing (SMM)

 Social media marketing (SMM) is a type of Internet marketing that involves creating and maintaining social networking websites or Facebook pages. These websites may focus on user-generated content, interests, hobbies, and personal details about users' lives. A social network site is a website designed primarily to facilitate communication among individuals who share interests and/or activities. Users post messages known as "status updates," draw pictures, play games, and discuss various topics. Social networks rely heavily on mobile technology to increase efficiency and ease of use over traditional methods of online interaction. Social networking sites have become increasingly popular across the globe. According to Nielsen, 15 percent of people worldwide use social networking sites. In China, WeChat Pay overtook Alipay as the country’s largest mobile payment app in August 2018. By June 2017, social messaging apps were installed on more than 1.3 billion smartphones globally, while their total usage was estimated at 2.27 billion monthly active users (MAUs). Twitter reported approximately 3 million daily active users in October 2016. Facebook had approximately 2.32 billion MAUs as of December 31, 2017. LinkedIn had approximately 433 million MAUs as of September 30, 2017. Pinterest had approximately 98 million MAUs as per its IPO filing in February 2017. As of October 2017, Instagram had approximately 500 million MAU's and Snapchat had approximately 160 million MAUs. Online dating services allow individuals to find potential matches among their friends, coworkers, classmates, and relatives. Services operate under different business models. Under some subscription models, members must pay a fee each month or annually to access the service; others are free and require no subscription payments. Members create profiles, add photographs, send out introductions, search for partners, and may respond to introductions from other members. On some services, users set their own preferences for how they would like to meet others. This includes preferences based on age, sex, location, sexual orientation, relationship status, smoking status, religion, political affiliation, parental status, education level, occupation, income bracket, or any other criteria that might be relevant. Other services offer additional features including live video chat capabilities, message boards, event planning tools, emailing, text-messaging, voice-calling, and profile browsing tools.

 What is Content Marketing?

 Content marketing is the act of producing and distributing written and visual content to attract attention and gain market share for a product or service. The content made could be in the form of articles, videos, slideshows, ebooks, etc., and can be distributed via the internet, blogs, social networks, landing pages, emails, etc.

 The demand for quality content is growing. As consumers, we are inundated with advertising messages through print, television, radio, billboards, and even targeted emails from businesses trying to sell us products and services. At the same time, we also seek out content on the web that is helpful, informative, unique, and useful. Consumers recognize that high-quality content helps them stay organized and save time. Furthermore, studies show that consumers appreciate quality content – especially if it provides answers to questions and solves problems.

 To optimize your content marketing efforts, make sure that you know what types of content work best for you and your audience. You should produce content that answers questions, solves problems, entertains, informs, and inspires customers.

 Some content marketing examples are:

 * Articles – Blog posts, white papers, case studies, technical guides, eBooks, webinars, infographics, and presentations

 * Video – YouTube tutorials, webinars, explainer videos, and customer testimonials

 * White paper - An academic study that attempts to address a specific question or solve a problem

 * Case Studies - How to guide, how to, and other similar types of guides

 * Surveys - Online polls, quizzes, surveys, and giveaways

  5 Ways to Use Social Media Marketing to Generate Leads |t. For a plant to feed itself and grow, there must be a readily available source of nitrogen within the soil or grow medium.

1. Social Media Marketing (SMM) is marketing activity conducted in a social context or mediated by digital technologies (such as email, SMS, and instant messaging), such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

 2. SMM includes activities like blogging, posting comments, sharing opinions, posting links, tweeting, liking, etc.

 3. SMM uses the internet, mobile phones, social networks, search engines, etc. to spread brand messages to targeted audiences via platforms such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.

 4. SMM helps organizations build relationships and trust with customers, fans, etc.

 5. SMM helps brands build awareness among their target audience, promote product sales, generate leads, increase customer loyalty, etc.

How to earn money by SMM

1. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

 Social media marketing is a great way to promote your business. In fact, more than 50% of the people who use the Internet visit social networking sites at least once per day. Social media marketing helps to generate traffic to your site. You can choose between different options to do social media marketing. There are many free tools out there that you can use to help spread the word about your brand. However, if you want to reap the total rewards of social media marketing, then you should invest in paid platforms. Here we are going to talk about how to do SMM so you can earn money online.

 2. Facebook Ads

 Facebook ads allow you to target specific audiences based on demographic information and interests. As a small entrepreneur, you don’t have enough budget to advertise on Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc. That does not mean you cannot find advertisers! You can still run social advertising campaigns on Facebook. All you need to do is to find businesses willing to pay for your services. Most people make their first sales via social media.

 3. Youtube Advertising

 Youtube advertising is best suited for small businesses. This platform allows your videos to appear in search results and display ads. Youtube is the second most popular website in the world after google.com. So, Youtube advertisements are very effective ways to bring visitors to your page. If you have a video already, Youtube advertising is a great choice.

 4. Instagram Advertising

 Instagram is a photo-sharing app that allows users to share photos with friends and family. It has over 1 billion active monthly users. Instagram advertising is a good option to reach out to potential customers. The audience here is highly engaged in comparison to other social networks. Instagram shows high engagement levels with users posting images to their feeds directly from their cameras.

 5. Twitter Advertising

 Twitter offers a similar service to Instagram, however, the audience is highly conscious of what they post on Twitter. Unlike Instagram, people often use Twitter to share news stories or links to articles. This is why Twitter tends to be highly targeted. You can even create Tweets specifically for particular brands and sell them to companies looking for promotional materials. Find a niche market first before doing so.

 6. LinkedIn Advertising

 LinkedIn is known for its professional network. Professionals look for jobs, recruiters find candidates, and businesses hire employees. Businesses have been using LinkedIn to advertise since 2007. LinkedIn ads are vcompellingcompared to other social media advertising methods. Because of this, you can get more qualified leads, increased conversions, and higher ROI.

 7. Pinterest Advertising

 Pinterest is a popular image-based social media. People save pictures of things they like and pin them to virtual “boards” where they can easily browse the content. Similar to Instagram, Pinterest is a great tool for building images. You can use Pinterest to attract customer inspiration and drive home sales.

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