Which is better for beginners WordPress or Blogger?

Is Blogger better than WordPress?

1. Blogger

 Blogger was created in 2003 by Pyra Labs, LLC. It’s a free blogging platform run by Google. It offers basic features similar to those offered by Wordpress.com. It provides bloggers with easy-to-use tools that make it easier to create, manage, and publish content across their blogs.

 2. WordPress.com

 WordPress.com was founded in 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. It’s powered by Automattic Inc., a company owned by Jeff Bezos. It’s also known as “self-hosted WordPress.” You have to pay $99 per year for hosting. It offers premium features including automatic backups, security updates, and SEO plugins.

 3. WordPress.org

 WordPress.org was founded in 2003 by Mike Little. In 2007, it became an independent non-profit organization under the name of The WordPress Foundation. It provides developers with open-source software and documentation. It offers self-hosting for free. Also, it has been developed over time by thousands of volunteers who contribute changes to its codebase.

Which is easier to use Blogger or WordPress?

Blogger is a free content management system (CMS) developed by Google. It was first released in March 2002. As of 2012, Blogger uses HTML5 technology, JavaScript, CSS, and AJAX. WordPress is a self-hosted blogging platform started as a fork of Buddypress, a social networking software application. In addition to publishing posts online, blogs may be downloaded and installed locally using the wp-admin interface. WordPress was created by Automattic, LLC and its development community. It uses PHP and MySQL for backend database storage. Both Blogger and WordPress have millions of active users.

 WordPress has been named among the best CMSs, according to the CMS Critic website. Also, many major websites around the world use WordPress including BBC News, NBCNews, TechCrunch, Forbes, Wired Magazine, Wikipedia, and Reddit.

 Blogger was originally designed for personal use only. However, starting in 2007, Google began offering Blogger for business. Nowadays, Blogger is the cheapest option for businesses looking to create a blog. Google Apps provides hosting services for a small price per month.

 However, both platforms offer similar features, including the ability to add images, videos, audio files, links, and text. All these components make up a post and help tell a story about a topic. Users can choose how they want their posts displayed: either as single pages or in categories.

 Both platforms allow users to customize the look of their site by adding themes. These themes often feature photographs and backgrounds to set the mood. These options range from simple to advanced. A person can select colors, fonts, header designs, footer styles, and much more.

 To start writing a post, a blogger user simply goes into his dashboard and clicks on “New Post”. He then adds the title of his post and begins typing. After he finishes writing, the blogger saves his work and moves on to editing. Next, he formats his post by choosing between different layouts and inserting attachments. Lastly, he publishes the post and shares it with friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+, LinkedIn, and email.

 A WordPress user creates a draft after logging into her account. She can then click on “Publish” before completing the rest of the steps.

Blogger vs WordPress: Which Is Better?

 The question that comes across our minds is whether we should use blogger or WordPress. Many people have been asking this question over time. We do not think either of them is better than the other. Both of these tools are good for different purposes. Let us dig deeper into both of them.


 WordPress is an open-source blogging software written in PHP. If you are looking to start a blog, then you must go with this tool. You can develop your own themes, plugins, and design anything according to your need. It offers advanced features including multi-user login, comment posting, etc. Moreover, they provide a free hosting service to their users.

 However, one major drawback of this tool is that its interface is quite complicated. So, if you don’t know how to customize the theme using CSS or HTML, then it would become impossible for you to create a unique website.

 Also, if you want to make money out of your site, then it won't work efficiently. Also, if you want to add more features to your blogs, then it becomes difficult.

 Goggle's platform:

 Google provides a simple interface where you can easily share content as well as get feedback about your content. However, you cannot customize many things here. Google gives you some basic templates to choose from. But, you cannot edit any layout changes.

 It does not offer many customization options. Also, it doesn't allow you to monetize your blog. There is no feature to add comments or trackbacks/trackbacks.

What is the difference between WordPress and Blogger?

While both have their own unique perks, they tend to serve similar purposes. However, they do have slight differences that make them useful for different tasks. Below are some of the major differences between Blogger and WordPress.


 The first thing to know about Blogger is that it is free. You don’t need any money to use it. If you’re looking for a platform where you can create blogs and share content, then using this tool is a great option. As long as you want to keep things simple, Blogger is probably the best choice. Also, when using Blogger you don't have to worry about updating themes or plugins. Most people use Blogger just for personal sites and portfolios.


 If you're building a business website, you'll definitely want a platform where you can design the site yourself. And if you've ever wanted to build a blog, then you should consider using WordPress. The good thing about WordPress is that you can customize your site however you'd like. Plus, you get access to tons of plugins and themes to choose from. In fact, the number of options is so high that it's nearly impossible to install a plugin without being overwhelmed.

 Website Design

 When choosing a blogging platform, it's important to think about what kind of site you want to create. There are three main types of websites: portfolio, e-commerce, and corporate. Each style requires a specific type of software. A portfolio site, for example, is perfect for someone who wants to showcase their work online. E-commerce sites allow visitors to buy products directly from the site. Corporate sites are geared towards businesses.


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