Tips That Will Make You Influential In BLOGGING

4 Ways You Can Grow Your Creativity Using BLOGGER

1. Blogging Tips & Tricks - How To Get Started

 Blogger is a free platform that lets users easily create their own blogs. As there are plenty of features and options available, it could take some time before you get accustomed to it. If you want to have your blog ready in no time, here are some tips and tricks to help you along the way.

 2. Blogger Layout/Design

 If you're looking for a specific layout or design for your blog, Google offers plenty of templates. Simply go to Google's website (, click on the blue 'Create' button at the top right corner, select 'Blogger', then scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll find a list of different layouts. Click on any of them and drag and drop the template onto your blog's sidebar to get started.

3. Blog Title

 When you first start blogging, it might not make sense yet as to what your blog should be about. While choosing a title could seem simple, do remember to use keywords in the blog title. Keep it short so your readers won't struggle to read it while scrolling.

 4. Commenting Etiquette

 Before commenting on someone else's post, check if they've already commented back. If they haven't, don't comment unless the content is really relevant to your topic. Don't comment just because you think you know something about it. Remember to keep things civil and respectful.

Top 10 Tips With BLOGGER 

 1. Make sure you use High-Quality Images: When uploading images make sure they are high quality! You want them to have good contrast and high clarity. If you find that your images do not look good after uploading them on Instagram, then it's time to update your camera! Also, try to stay away from blurry images, overexposed photos, and ones that are taken at a low resolution. Try to keep these things in mind while taking pictures and remember to always take a few practice shots before posting anything. Remember that if you upload something less than perfect it will only go downhill from there.

 2. Consider Using Videos: Another way to share content is with videos! Videos are great because people love watching them and they provide a lot of information that just isn't possible in text. Try using video editing software or even going old school and grab a video camera. Just make sure that the quality of your videos is decent enough and that you don't post a shaky mess.

 3. Use Hashtags Effectively: There is no question about it - hashtags are incredibly helpful when sharing content. But, what many people forget is how effective they are. A single hashtag can attract hundreds of thousands of followers in a matter of hours. And, if you're using Instagram, you know that each photo/video uploaded can be linked to a specific tag. So, make sure that you are using tags effectively! If someone asks where you got that cool piece of clothing, tell them exactly where you bought it. Tag the store, the brand, and any additional details that may help others who are searching for similar items.

 4. Don't Forget Your Bio: I'm sure we've all been guilty of forgetting our bio. But, what happens when you forget? Well, now you're missing out on the chance to connect with others and show off some amazing facts about yourself. People really enjoy reading bios, and they tend to get really excited about learning about you. So, don't leave out that information! Tell everyone a little bit about yourself and what makes you awesome.

 5. Be Yourself: Last tip, but definitely not least! Don't change yourself to fit in. That doesn't mean that you can't stand out, but remember to be authentic. Everyone wants to relate to real people; they want to feel connected to you. So, let your personality shine! Share fun stories, interesting tidbits, and quirky things about yourself. Let people see who you truly are!

Avoid The Top 10 BLOGGER Mistakes

1. Poor Content

 A blog post should have a clear message and purpose. If your content doesn’t add value to readers, they may not read your entire article and miss out on valuable information. A good blogger should strive to create content that engages their audience and encourages interaction. Bloggers who fail to do this may struggle to gain traction with their readership.

 2. Lack Of Interaction

 Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow bloggers to interact with their followers. However, if they don't interact with their readers, then they risk losing potential customers. When interacting with others, ask questions or share your thoughts. In return, readers will appreciate your effort and respond positively.

 3. No Visual Appeal

 Blogs don't need to look like brochures or websites; they're meant to be fun and entertaining. Use images, videos, infographics, gifs, and interactive elements to make your posts interesting and engaging. Make sure that your visuals match your brand's image and style. Also, consider sharing your posts via social networks like YouTube and Pinterest.

4. Writing Style

 The tone of your writing and voice will play a big role in whether people enjoy reading your posts. You want to write conversationally. This means using language that your readers would use rather than formal terms. Try avoiding long sentences and complicated vocabulary. Instead, focus on short paragraphs and simple words.

 5. Unprofessional Photo

 Your picture should reflect your brand's personality and professionalism. There shouldn't be any spelling mistakes or blurry pictures. Photos should be taken professionally and edited well. Avoid posting old photos or ones containing embarrassing moments.

 6. Poor Editing

 When we say editing, we mean grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. All these factors can help improve the quality of your content. Keep your language clean and professional and avoid the use of slang. Pay close attention to your headline since it's the first thing visitors see. Your header should tell visitors what your post is about.

 7. Too Much Self-Promotion

 Self-promotion is something you shouldn't do unless it adds value to your readers. People aren't interested in self-promoting blogs that talk solely about yourself and your products/services. Unless you're a celebrity promoting your latest music album, keep the self-promotion minimal and relevant.

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