How To Earn Money With EMAIL MARKETING

1. Why email marketing?

 Email marketing is still the best way to target customers and prospects at a time when they're interested and ready to buy. Marketers have been collecting email addresses since e-commerce sites first began operating back in the '90s, and now everyone does it - even Amazon.

2. How does it work?

 The concept behind email marketing is simple enough; you identify recipients who might be interested in what you offer (your target audience), then create a message to entice them to do something. You can send messages out daily or weekly via email, and emails may arrive in people's inboxes automatically based on their web browsing behavior, social media activity, or other data points.

 3. Types of email marketing

 If you could only use one type of email marketing, it should be triggered emails. These are automated emails that go out without the user having to lift a finger. Triggered emails often contain offers, promotions, or product updates that users can't refuse.

 4. Automated vs. personalized

 Automated emails tend to be sent directly after someone visits your website or performs some action - whether it's filling in a form, downloading a white paper, or clicking on a link. Personalized emails, on the other hand, are tailored to each individual recipient. The content will likely be relevant to the prospect's interests, background, etc., and you'll know exactly how to get inside their head.

5. What not to avoid

 You want to make sure your email includes subject lines that grab readers' attention. Just be careful about going overboard with exclamation points; while a little enthusiastic tone is fine, overuse can look spammy. And don't forget to proofread before hitting SEND! If you've got typos, grammar errors, or misspelled words, these mistakes can turn off subscribers instantly.

 email marketing email campaigns


 Earn Money By Mail Marketing & Email Marketing - How To Earn Money From Home 2022 & 2023


This blog shows how to find out what email address is attached to your Google Account (Gmail, Youtube)

 For example, if you're logged into Gmail and want to know what your primary account email address is, click on View Your Account details at Gmail dot com...

 If you need to have more than one email address then you need to select the last name or nickname in your user profile page and click on that text to show only emails related to that account.

 Find your user ID in the top right corner of the above screen.

 Then enter your username and hit search.

 You'll see all your accounts with their names and icons. Find your account's name in the list. In my case, they've listed out many different usernames as we use our business and personal contacts for different accounts.

 In my case mine says

 To find your actual email address you have two choices.

How to earn money through it

Make sure that you have a good email list

 In order to make money with email marketing, you need a great list! If you do not have any sort of list then you're going to spend all your time sending out emails and making no money. So I would suggest you find a way to build a list because it's going to save you tons of time. You should always try to send emails with a signup page or opt-in form. That way they'll know that you're only emailing people who want to get emailed.

Create a good subject line

 The subject line is probably the single most important thing when it comes to getting responses to your emails. People want to know what your emails are about before they decide if they want to open them. They don't care how many times you've sent them something. Because of that, you have to give them a good reason to click on the link. A lot of businesses use autoresponders to create their subject lines. Autoresponders just automatically reply back to those who don't respond to them after a certain amount of time. However, you can manually set up an autoresponder yourself. There are lots of tools online that allow you to do that.

 Send emails at different times

 There's nothing worse than receiving hundreds of emails every day. So you need to figure out a way to make sure that your emails aren't being sent to people all day long. When I first started using MailChimp I was doing 8 am - 8 pm eastern time. This means I was sending my emails right around lunchtime when nobody wanted to read my emails and I would never hear anything back. So I moved my hours from 9 am - 5 pm so that I could reach a wider audience.

Use social media

 Social media gives you access to millions of potential customers. So the best way to market your business on Facebook is to post content in your group and share your affiliate links. Then once you join a group, you can interact with your members and answer questions they may have about your product. This helps you generate some free traffic and build relationships. Social media can help you gain exposure and spread awareness about your company.

Join forums

 Forums are a great place to talk to people who are interested in your niche and let them know about your products. You can even discuss topics related to your product or service. This kind of interaction works well because you can provide information and answers to people's questions and problems.

 Start a blog

 Blogging is a great way to drive targeted traffic, receive feedback, and improve your writing skills. Plus it can increase your SEO ranking. Using WordPress you can start a blog pretty easily. And you can always add pages to your site later. The cool thing about blogging is that you can blog anywhere. Whether it's on your own website, Tumblr, Medium, Twitter, etc. And the best part? Google loves sites with fresh content.

 Earn money with surveys

 You can make some extra cash by taking surveys on websites like Survey Junkie. You can earn upwards of $3 per survey while providing helpful opinions to companies. All you have to do is register a profile and fill out short quizzes about consumer electronics, clothing, cars, restaurants, sports teams, movies, video games, music, and other things. As you take these quizzes you'll be provided with advertisements to watch. These ads are generally one minute long and consist of two videos. One video advertises a brand or product you might be interested in, while the second provides information about the brand or product.

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